Finnish Lapland, to be exact. I have wanted to stay in a glass igloo since I saw them on the cover of National Geographic over a decade...
Finnish Lapland, to be exact. I have wanted to stay in a glass igloo since I saw them on the cover of National Geographic over a decade...
It's National Breastfeeding month! (cheers and applause) I don't have to tell you the benefits of breastfeeding, because you already know...
Picture this: You’re laying in your bed with a pillow propping your baby up to nurse. The baby will nurse for a moment and pull away....
Tennessee is currently a very conservative state. This is America and our differences are what make this such a great country. This does...
On April 1st, yes, April Fool's Day, my husband and I decided to take a pregnancy test. I had been feeling extremely emotional, crampy,...
The constant beeping, much like a never-ending morse-code, calls out through the city all day, and all night; A kind of chatter through...
Is it just me or has the swim industry taken a dive for the worst? It's like they hit a plateau over the past three years and decided...
Once we made it into China, we loved it! China is obviously a HUGE country, and we will need to go back to get a feel for the rest of the...
I had every intention to write a positive piece on traveling to China, and I will, if I ever get in… I guess I should start at the...
It is easy to become consumed in the addiction of travel. I LIVE for that fresh stamp smell in my passport, but that isn't the point in...
I'll be honest with you, I had no interest in visiting Spain. I wasn't against Spain per se, but it was one of the last countries in the...
Mmmm Maybe I should say, the devil you want inside of you... This is my coveted, top secret, best selling recipe for "Devils on...
I'm not perfect. No, that's an understatement. I am in no way, shape, or form, even remotely close to being perfect. I am flawed beyond...
It's no secret that my modeling career has taken me to exotic locations all over the world. I have worked in South Africa, Italy,...
We flew into Malaga from Amsterdam. It was a short flight that I booked on Ryan Air for less than 100 euros! If you're anything like me,...
1. Air Fryer $49.99 Give the gift of flavor this year without sacrificing anyone's health! Air fryers are changing the face of what we...
Twenty bucks says that you think that's a typo and I forgot to write "loss" between weight and journey. Well, you would be wrong, my...
Everyone puts on a few pounds over the holidays. This is not just because we are attending more parties, but it’s evolutionary. When it...
I was raised as a strong southern woman in a strong southern family. We went to church every Sunday & Wednesday, ate homemade supper at...
*I would like to preface this post by stating that I am not being paid to write this. This is completely genuine and my utmost personal...