Vegan Pregnancy Supplements
When I first announced that I was going to have a vegan pregnancy, and raise a vegan baby, I was met with some negativity. People would...
When I first announced that I was going to have a vegan pregnancy, and raise a vegan baby, I was met with some negativity. People would...
Tennessee is currently a very conservative state. This is America and our differences are what make this such a great country. This does...
I am a restaurant owner. I am a vegan. I was a restaurant owner for 3 years before turning vegan myself. Sometimes, these two roles that...
Yeah, fuck this title. First of all, no, I have not had a miscarriage (yet), but I want to talk about miscarriages. They're bullshit. I...
Why are we so quick to judge other expectant Moms? My pregnancy may look very different than yours, but that does not make either of them...
We’re wrapping up the first trimester and I am sincerely looking forward to having some energy back. Still, I count my blessings because...
Instead of knocking other people down for their choices, let's try to celebrate our differences. I have some controversial opinions that...
It's only the first trimester of my very vegan pregnancy and while some scents are off-putting, pretty much all (vegan) food is on the...
On April 1st, yes, April Fool's Day, my husband and I decided to take a pregnancy test. I had been feeling extremely emotional, crampy,...
The constant beeping, much like a never-ending morse-code, calls out through the city all day, and all night; A kind of chatter through...
Once we made it into China, we loved it! China is obviously a HUGE country, and we will need to go back to get a feel for the rest of the...
Sorry, but that’s what I think of any time I hear "Gibraltar." So, what/where is Gibraltar? Gibraltar is a giant rock & it's also, a...
It is easy to become consumed in the addiction of travel. I LIVE for that fresh stamp smell in my passport, but that isn't the point in...
I'll be honest with you, I had no interest in visiting Spain. I wasn't against Spain per se, but it was one of the last countries in the...
Mmmm Maybe I should say, the devil you want inside of you... This is my coveted, top secret, best selling recipe for "Devils on...
I'm not perfect. No, that's an understatement. I am in no way, shape, or form, even remotely close to being perfect. I am flawed beyond...
Every time I tell an American that I'm going to Amsterdam, I get the same reaction. You can see on their face that they are trying to...
We flew into Malaga from Amsterdam. It was a short flight that I booked on Ryan Air for less than 100 euros! If you're anything like me,...
1. Air Fryer $49.99 Give the gift of flavor this year without sacrificing anyone's health! Air fryers are changing the face of what we...
Twenty bucks says that you think that's a typo and I forgot to write "loss" between weight and journey. Well, you would be wrong, my...